Ken Walsh
The PMC Treasurer got involved in the Piscataqua Maritime Commission some 20 years ago so that she could help share that adventure with the region’s youth.
Nita’s voyages on the seas has ranged from short sails and cruises on small boats to a “great experience” on the tall ship Gazela.
As part of its mission to promote the region’s extensive maritime history, the PMC has three main programs — the annual Sail Portsmouth tall ship festival and its tall ships parade, the Maritime Talks lecture series, and Sea Challenge.
It is Sea Challenge that Nita regards as her way of helping youth in the area learn about themselves while learning to appreciate the pastime of sailing.
Sea Challenge offers week-long educational and experiential voyages aboard a tall ship. For underserved youth in this area, the PMC underwrites their cost with scholarship funds raised by our programs and from the generosity of many donors and sponsors.