Featured Sponsor: Black Dog Divers
The pier at the University of New Hampshire Judd Gregg Marine Science Complex in New Castle is the location of getting on and off the tall ships participating in Sail Portsmouth’s day sail events. With 10 foot or greater tides, it was hard, if not dangerous to load and unload passengers. Black Dog saved the day.
Black Dog designed, built and donated the barge that serves as the loading and unloading platform for passengers on the tall ships Lynx, Harvey Gamage, and Roseway. The three schooners are part of the Sea Challenge and the day sail program.
Pictured here are barge activity during last year’s day sails involving the schooners Roseway (the black hulled vessel) and Harvey Gamage (the white hulled vessel).
The team at Black Dog Divers includes commercial divers and personnel specializing in such services as marine construction, crane and rigging, demolition, barge and sectional rental, hazardous material handling, and rapid incident response.
It supports industries that include hydro-electric, municipal and government water systems, cable and pipeline, and shipping, among others. Engineering firms and general contractors also consistently depend on Black Dog Divers as their partner for as-needed commercial diving and marine construction support for their projects.
Black Dog Divers has supported the Piscataqua Maritime Commission (PMC) and its programs for many years, especially its scholarship program for deserving teens, Sea Challenge, to spend a week at sea on the same schooners that are participating in Sail Portsmouth events. The barge makes it safer for everyone. Thanks Black Dog.